Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kensington Prairie Interview: Jessica

"We will destroy you with our soft melodies" is the bands catch phrase on Myspace, and they definitely live up to that. As soon as I started listneing to their music my jaw dropped and I instantaneously wanted to be somewhere with long grass and a warm sun above me. It's the kind of music to wind down to, pense over, read with, or any other relaxing activity for that matter. Their simple messages make the listening experience all that better, with a clear vision of what the song is trying to potray. The atmosphere and emotion they create is something quite special, and makes me realize what talent we have stored away in Canada. Here is the interview I had with Rebecca, enjoy!

1) How long have you all been together and how did you come up with the name?

Kensington Prairie has been together for two years, but KP has been going on in different forms (as Maplewood Lane) since around 1998. I (rebecca) came up with the name while driving the back country roads in Langley, BC....I drove past an old boarded up school called "kensington prairie" and I just knew it was perfect!

2) How did you decide on the genre of music you wanted to create?

I've always written "folk" style songs...even before I knew what folk music, I really just wanted to make an album that felt honest and natural, with organic instruments. In our previous version of the band, as Maplewood Lane, we would take my folk songs and morph them into something a little more, it was fun to try and strip the songs down again.

3) Your source of inspiration seems to be somewhat organic, what inspires the music you create?\

I am definitely inspired a lot by nature. On the west coast I was fortunate to spend hours by the mountains and oceans, and in my childhood, growing up in Africa and India, I spent a lot of time travelling and in the outdoors. I think years of road-trips, and staring out windows as the scenery flies by, evokes a lot of thinking and reflecting on life.

4) Most musicians get influenced by the places they live in. I understand that you have travelled quite a lot, did all that moving around help your musical creativeness?

Yes! In my songs, there are a lot of themes of change, moving, travelling, saying goodbye, distance, longing...and I think those are themes we can all relate to in our lives. I think, too, that the experience of isolation that one goes through when living in a foreign country spurred me to throw myself into fervently writing songs, learning guitar and spending countless hours recording those early songs on cassette tapes...channelling my experiences and thoughts into music.

5) What has been your most moving live performance so far?

I have sung at my Grandma's funeral and at both of my husbands' grandma's funerals...and I found both of those experiences very was an honour.

6) What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music? I

guess I want people to feel that longing that is in all of us for beauty...and for hope.

7) Is there any specific instrument you feel most connected to?

I would have to say slide guitar/lap-steel etc....there's something about that high lonesome sound that captures so much feeling and emotion.

8) What are your favourite things to do on your spare time besides music?

I love to spend time with our two little girls, and I like to read good english literature.

9) What is your ultimate goal as musicians?

I would like to create thoughtful art that strikes a chord with people and celebrates the wonder of the joys and sorrows of life.

10) If you could tell the world what Kensington Prairie is in one sentence, what would that be?

nathan likes to say: "we will destroy you with our gentle melodies"

Think Quick:
1) Best day of the week: Monday
2) Favourite TV Show: Seinfeld
3) Summer or Winter?: Winter
4) Favourite flower:Dahlia
5) Favourite author/book:T.S.Elliot/ Letters from the Wasteland
6) Current most played artist or song: Dennison Witmer
7) Current favourite hang out spot: the Dutch Mill, Waterdown On
8) Favourite venue to perform in: Red Rooster, Burlington On (good sound)
9) Art is: transcendent
10: Kensington Prairie is: your new friend

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