Saturday, August 29, 2009
V Fest Review Day 1:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
V fest not to be on the island?
So this year V fest may not be on Toronto Island? Now here are your positives and negatives:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Ok so I have to somehow mission it down today seeing how my car is in the shop at the moment, i know perfect timing for a week of complete madness. ANYWAY Vfest 2009 press conference is today at the Virgin Offices downtown. Im pretty sure their just going to confirm all the bands and such and make everything official for the public to know. I promise that as soon as I hear from them i'll tell you everything. I know a lot of you have been concerned as to why the list has not been sent out yet as well as the ticket price and location. Im almost positive that will be cleared up today so ill keep you all updated!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Way To Go Einstein Interview: Cristina
Acid City: State a little about yourselves
- we are way to go, einstein. we play music. there are five of us. we like loud guitars, piano, synths, a personal vocal, and we use them to describe a specific feeling. we don't always take the easy road to resolve said feeling, but in the end, we get there. it isn't always a happy ending, but it is always honest. we have a light, and a map, and we hope you trust us enough to follow us to the end of the road. we'll get you there. safety first. also, we are shit hot dancers.
Acid City: Describe your sound
- we used to describe it as mom-rock. our first record, hide and seek champion, was very mother friendly. but with this new record, pseudonym, while we haven't neglected our core mom base, we delved a lot deeper into sounds and textures that are a little more, beautifully uncomfortable? like a howler monkey giving birth? we're all competent and confident enough to kick a little dirt over the line of what is commercially viable and what could take some getting used to. i think the most interesting music has that dichotomy of standard and strange.
Acid City: How did you come up with the name?
Acid City: What message are you trying to send with your music?
Acid City: Describe the best gig you have every played
Acid City: Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?
1) Blondes or brunettes?
- neither. gingers. with freckles. and so pale it could be mistaken for a positively savage case of jaundice. we keeps it sickly.
2) Night or Day?
- dusk is a lot more fun to say. we'll go with dusk.
3) Coke or Pepsi?
- oh, soda pop is terrible for you. i don't really enjoy drinking either. having said that, i really love ice cream and cigarettes. not together though....well, maybe. i haven't tried that yet....
4) Vampires or Zombies?
- i'm going to say vampires, only to be a monster dick, because i swear i don't quite understand this fascination of zombies people my age have, these days.
5) Batman or Spiderman?
- i dressed up as the joker for halloween when jack nicholson played him. ever since i have a sick joker fetish. nothing sexual, but there is something about the psyche of that character i am mentally attracted to. that of course, was re-ignited after heath ledger took that character to somewhere i could have only dreamed of it going. so i am going to say, neither. the joker. heroes get boring.
6) Whose the hottest member of the band and why?
- check this out. i'm going to score some huge points here. we are all either married and or in relationships, so, the band wives and girlfriends are the hottest members......
7) Any comments or advice to listener and stuff.
- the obligatory sales pitch. both records, hide and seek champion, and our new record, pseudonym are available both digitally and in hard copy. if you hit itunes and type in way to go, einstein, you should have smooth sailings ahead, and if you are like me and still buy, what we used to call, compact discs, head over, punch in way to go, einstein, and you too can be a winner. we may also be heading to your town later on in the year, so catch us at, for details, or if you just want to talk about how a baby is born, because i really have no idea. enjoy your meal.
love, kevin william jack, of way to go, einstein
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Stereos Interview: Jessica
The band started out 3 years ago with Dan, Robb and me figuring out exactly what we wanted to do in terms of musical direction and then it was just writing songs for about a year until we got members. We've had quite a few members under different band names til Miles joined about a year and a half ago and we had a pretty steady lineup with some fill-in drummers.
Acid City:How did you choose the name Stereos?
Stereos basically came up as an idea during our 3 day drive from Edmonton to Toronto. We were brainstorming names and listening to tons of music. We wanted a name that was simple but still showed how diverse our sound was and the word stereo was used in a lot of Rancid songs and one of the first groups Ice Cube was in was called Stereo Crew so it ended up being a good fit.
Acid City:What was your first thought/ reaction when you found out you made it to made disband?
We were so excited, probably one of our most exciting moments. As a band that had been working so hard to get noticed we realized that the opportunity to get ourselves on TV was huge.
Acid City:How has your musical careers changed since the airing of that show?
Acid City: What emotion do you guys wish most to evoke from your fans when they hear your music?
We really just want people to have a good time. Our music is what we would want to hear ourselves, and the stuff we listen to is generally all about good times.
Acid City: Has the success of Summer Girl come as a shock?
Yes and no. It's surreal to see something I created in my basement on a laptop get so much appreciation and I still can't believe it's happening. On the other hand I always believed in our music and thought it deserved to be heard by as many people as possible.
Acid City:What can everyone expect from you guys in the near future?
We want to continue working as hard as possible on this band. Whether it's playing shows, or writing and recording our album (all of which we'll be doing) we want to be doing as much of it as possible.
Think Quick:
1) Favourite artist/band at the moment: The-Dream
2) Favourite hang out spot: Our front porch
3) Best venue to play a show: So far, the Sound Academy in Toronto
4) Best venue to watch a show: The Rev in Edmonton
5) Most inspiring/successful show so far: Kelowna show on our first tour in 07. It was the first time kids loved us and it felt amazing.
6) Biggest fear: Spiders
7) 3 most important things right now are: Each other, Fans, Music
8) Stereos are: Takin' over!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Carmen the Ballet: Jessica
The new Ballet Carmen, which debuted at this years Luminato festival, is an extremely controversial story. Escamillo, played by Kevin D. Bowles, is a bull at some points of the ballet. The show itself is very sex forward, filled with public displays of affection, as well as extreme costume and make up use to inhance the performance. To play the role of Escamillo can be quite challenging, due to the fact that the bull must be tough and powerful, and at the same time graceful and weightless. The choreography itself is hard to grasp, but Kevin pulled it off.I got the chance to interview Kevin and what his thoughts and feelings were towards the ballet. Here is what he had to say:
1) When did you first start dancing?
I started ‘late’. My first ballet class was at the age of 14! I had a lot of music training before that, piano and oboe, but no dance until I was 'duped' into the high school musical in the ninth grade. I started in tap and moved into jazz then -- to better my technique-- I took a ballet class.
2) Describe your favourite moment on stage?
Creation, for me, has always been far more rewarding than interpreting what has already been done. I think that doing a role that is 'ready-made' and reinterpreting it is more difficult and highly rewarding, but my most recent favourite moment on stage would have to be dancing Beaujolais from James Kudelka's An Italian Straw Hat.
3) Which ballet was your favourite to dance and why?
My "favourite" ballet is one that most people have never seen: Colin Connor's Streets and Legends. Genius! I wish you would publish this in the hope that someone would look him up! On a more familiar note I would have to say The Green Table by Kurt Joss. In Canada, I would have to say Swan Lake by James Kudelka. It is untouchable.
4) What ballet pose, move or exercise is your favourite and why?
Ballet is a form of communication. Instead of one pose or movement in particular, it is the whole system that makes it beautiful. The nuances and playfulness of the system are what defines it. What I say, or dance, is not in any singular 'step' or 'movement' but is a product of the whole.
5) How do you like the National Ballet?
The National Ballet of Canada is among the best in the world. That is a bold statement! We are respected, admired and coveted by ballet dancers around the world. Most artistic companies dream of attracting the kind of calibre we turn away. We are the best but we don't apologize; we just offer better and longer! We are the standard the the rest of the world is struggling to achieve.
6) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
No question! I can't imagine my life without The National Ballet of Canada.
7) What advice do you have for aspiring dancers?
I will quote one of my former teachers: "le veux peut tout", which means whatever you want, whatever you dream, can happen and will happen, everything is possible!
8) How did you find the experience transforming yourself into the character for Carmen?
A lot of fun! The costume for Escamillo includes body paint from the waist up. I've never had to put on that much make-up! It took about 45 minutes to get into the costume the one time we tried it -- we will probably be faster the next time but it will be quite an experience every time!
9) Did you try to do anything specific to make your own twist on the character?
The choreographer for Carmen did not make a literal interpretation of the opera. Escamillo is only seen at the end of the ballet and is kind of metaphorical. (It was suggested during a rehearsal that the entire scene might even be a figment of another character's imagination!)
Escamillo is not the bull fighter from the opera but rather ‘an embodiment of the masculine’. The result is that the three of us dancing the role of Escamillo are each totally different. We all do the same steps but watching my co-workers dance the role is almost like seeing them dance a different part!
10) How do you make your character connect with the rest of the characters as well as the audience?
Escamillo is different from all the other characters in the ballet because he is almost fictitious. Whereas the other characters are supposed to be real people doing real things, Escamillo sort of explodes onto the stage in a very surreal scene. There is a lot of humour involved but the scene is ultimately disquieting. The connection to other characters is therefore not the point of Escamillo, he is rather a force that happens and then leaves.
Not unlike an act of nature like a hurricane or an earthquake, the result of his passing is more important than what was actually happening during the event. Connecting with the audience, on the other hand, I don't think will be a problem because the role is so over the top you can't help but have fun with us while we tear up the stage!
**Note** Our own ballerina/ writer Cristina got the opportunity to watch the play this past Sunday, her opinion and review will be up soon
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Kensington Prairie Interview: Jessica
"We will destroy you with our soft melodies" is the bands catch phrase on Myspace, and they definitely live up to that. As soon as I started listneing to their music my jaw dropped and I instantaneously wanted to be somewhere with long grass and a warm sun above me. It's the kind of music to wind down to, pense over, read with, or any other relaxing activity for that matter. Their simple messages make the listening experience all that better, with a clear vision of what the song is trying to potray. The atmosphere and emotion they create is something quite special, and makes me realize what talent we have stored away in Canada. Here is the interview I had with Rebecca, enjoy!
1) How long have you all been together and how did you come up with the name?
2) How did you decide on the genre of music you wanted to create?
Think Quick:
1) Best day of the week: Monday
2) Favourite TV Show: Seinfeld
3) Summer or Winter?: Winter
4) Favourite flower:Dahlia
5) Favourite author/book:T.S.Elliot/ Letters from the Wasteland
6) Current most played artist or song: Dennison Witmer
7) Current favourite hang out spot: the Dutch Mill, Waterdown On
8) Favourite venue to perform in: Red Rooster, Burlington On (good sound)
9) Art is: transcendent
10: Kensington Prairie is: your new friend
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Firefly Tonics: Cristina
Calling all Fashion Bloggers!: Paige
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Frank and Derol Interview: Jessica
we like contradiction, anything that contradicts. and that name does.
derol is also my dads name -codi
codi was a solo artist
brandi has played with a few different bands
3) What was the first song you ever wrote together? How did you know
your connection clicked?
a song no one has heard. we actually wrote it for the new twilight
we just clicked.
4) Do you guys think your ever going to get a drummer? If so is it going to be a girl?
yes, probably not a girl though.
when nothing comes out.
6) Anything in particular that inspires you?
pretty much everything. and the typical love and lust.
7) Where do you guys practice? How often?
we practice anywhere we can. sometimes at brandis, megans, and codis.
we also practice at the gibson show room in beverly hills. we try to
practice as often as we can.
8) Ultimate music goal?
travel the world playing our music.
9) Any dream instrument youd love to get your hands on?
oh too many
1) Crunchy or smooth peanut butter? Smooth
2) Private Jet or Private boat? Take a private jet to our private boat
3) Myspace or Facebook? Myspace
4) Current favorite hang out spot? The Studio
5) Favorite designer/brand? Anything that fits
6) Life is : Crazy
7)Frank and Derol is: cool!
-brandi and codi
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cover story on Tavi (aka Style Rookie) : Jamie
Interview with PlantLove Jaye Campbell: Jessica
Kira Plastinina: Teenage Fashion Designer: Paige
She has a knack for high fashion, the ambition some people would kill for and is considered to be the world’s youngest fashion designer! Born and Raised in Moscow, Russia, Kira Plastinina debuted her clothing line in September of 2008 and with more than 54 outlets worldwide, this 16-year old designer has everything going for her. With a collection of bright, funky, sequin-studded hoodies and dresses this rising business woman spends her free time approving sketches, choosing fabrics and modifying designs of her ever expanding clothing line while still managing to hand-in her homework on-time at the Anglo-American School in Moscow. Her style brings a fresh look for girls while still leaving a little room for adventure when adding your own personal style to a Plastinina outfit. This young Russian beauty is making her mark in the fashion industry and is inspiring girls of all ages to put themselves out there and chase their dreams.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Carrot Top: Cristina
So the other day I was in line at my local grocery store topping up on my new favourite drink Firefly (check it out!) and as I was waiting to pay my eyes feel upon a most shocking site…. the new cover of an Archie Comic! I know what you’re thinking, “What could possibly be so terrifying about our lovable carrot top?” And the answer is … nothing. Everyone at some point in their life has read an Archie Comic, I mean they were a childhood favourite and as the former collector queen I’ve always loved them. But I must say what I saw that day was truly disappointing. Although Betty and Veronica were always depicted wearing short skirt and skimpy bikinis but they always still looked classy, the new altered cover of the Archie Comics took it a touch too far. The female character’s bodies had been altered to make them more “voluptuous” and that is putting it gently! Their shirts were shorter, their tops lower, and their hips and their chest incredibly accentuated and exaggerated. It was actually really sad. Females have worked hard to earn the rights that we all take for granted in present day. Up until 1929 woman were not even considered people in Canada! It’s upsetting to think that this image of women is available for young children to buy! So all the women in the world must recognize that we must still hold dear the rights and principles that our fellow women before us have fought for and that you don’t need to wear a shirt as a dress to be sexy or beautiful! So stand up for yourselves! And as for the cartoonists at Archie Comics, GROW UP!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Moonface: Alene
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Blackbud Interview: Cristina
The first time I heard this talented band, I paused astonished at what I heard, hope. Blackbud is proof that good music still exists and that their are alternatives to the garbage on the radio. There song "Road to Nowhere"captivated my attention in a way only The Fab Four have ever managed to do. This band has a bright future ahead of them and their music should be a must on everyones ipod playlist. So check them out ASAP!
Joe Taylor-Guitarist and singer, and the source of Blackbud's songs.
Adam Newton- Bass, and depite the extremely friendly exterior lurks a
somewhat angry young man. Sam Nadel- Certainly not your average rock
2) How did you all meet?
We were young aspiring musicians, looking for a way to skip school,
the band formed during school time.
3) How did you come up with Blackbud?
Blackbud is one of a few names we used in the beginning, over time the
stories have changed, one probable explanation is that Joe was in an
unknown location, and saw the reflection of a flower against the sun.
4) What kind of audience are you trying to reach?
We would like to reach each and every person.
5) First song ever written together
That has to be the blues funk classic 'Do ya know' lol.
6) Favorite gig/band memory
We had some great gigs in Moles Club in Bath UK, an underground cellar
type venue.
7) Who are your musical idols?
We have a wide sphere of influence between us, so I'll a very brief
summary: Paco de Lucia, Jimi Hendrix, Dylan, The Police
8) Whose currently most played on your ipod?
The only cool thing I thought came out recently was the MGMT album,
but in answer to the question mostly the Beatles!
Think Quick
1) is the glass half full or half empty? Half full
2) salty or sweet? Salty Bazouki
3)blondes or brunettes? Brunette
4)pepsi or coke? smoke?
Hope you guys come to Canada soon!
We hope so too We spent a few weeks in Toronto while recording our 1st Album, so we
have a connection to Canada that way. Dave Bottril was producing. The Drake
hotel was awesome and the café next door... we had a really creative time
over there.