Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Carrot Top: Cristina

So the other day I was in line at my local grocery store topping up on my new favourite drink Firefly (check it out!) and as I was waiting to pay my eyes feel upon a most shocking site…. the new cover of an Archie Comic! I know what you’re thinking, “What could possibly be so terrifying about our lovable carrot top?” And the answer is … nothing. Everyone at some point in their life has read an Archie Comic, I mean they were a childhood favourite and as the former collector queen I’ve always loved them. But I must say what I saw that day was truly disappointing. Although Betty and Veronica were always depicted wearing short skirt and skimpy bikinis but they always still looked classy, the new altered cover of the Archie Comics took it a touch too far. The female character’s bodies had been altered to make them more “voluptuous” and that is putting it gently! Their shirts were shorter, their tops lower, and their hips and their chest incredibly accentuated and exaggerated. It was actually really sad. Females have worked hard to earn the rights that we all take for granted in present day. Up until 1929 woman were not even considered people in Canada! It’s upsetting to think that this image of women is available for young children to buy! So all the women in the world must recognize that we must still hold dear the rights and principles that our fellow women before us have fought for and that you don’t need to wear a shirt as a dress to be sexy or beautiful! So stand up for yourselves! And as for the cartoonists at Archie Comics, GROW UP!

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