Thursday, July 31, 2008


If you saw LIGHTS walking down the street, the first thought that pops into your head is different. On the outside, her crazy, outgoing fashion sense gets you interested. Her style makes you feel happy, and her headbands are turning into her signature. She may be small, but shes bigger than her body gives her credit for. Her voice is beautiful, calming, and draws back every memory you have. Whether it be sad, motivating or happy. She creates songs with the thought of making others feel good. Her self titled CD called LIGHTS, has 6 tracks, each better than the last. You can pick up this CD at Best Buy and even HMV. I have one, i suggest you get your copy, its money and time well spent. Her song, February Air has been used for an Old Navy commercial campaign, and slowly but surely she's making her way up with a spark. Her kind personality, and passion for music, has enough to hold her in for the long run and create a music impact. Lights, is here to stay. Acid City: What inspired you to start writing music? LIGHTS: The day i realized my head would explode if i didn't. It's a build up of emotion, ideas, words and melodies that just needs to be released. You get addicted to that feeling--there is sort of a buzz that comes with wrapping up a good song. Acid City: What do you like best about performing? LIGHTS: Singing is just fun in general, but the pleasure is ten-fold when you hear other people singing your own words back to you. Acid City: What situations do you like writing about the most? LIGHTS: Intense moments, most of my songwriting feeds off of a moment of intense emotion. It's usually one that doesn't last the night, so you have to capture it while you can. Acid City: Can you tell us what the song Drive My Soul is about? LIGHTS: It was the title actually that came first, and in a bizarre way. I was listening to an indie station that I never listen to, and a song came on that I had never heard, and I could swear the words "drive my soul" were sung in the most beautiful way, and I thought to myself, "wow, that is a beautiful phrase, it's too bad I didn't think of that." When the song title was shown it something completely different, so I looked up the song and scoured the lyrics, and "drive my soul" was never even in it. A few weeks later I was writing with one of the guys I record with and that lyric flew back to me so I rolled with it. The song basically is about the premise that I'm not the one who motivates me, I'm not the one actually driving myself. So what if the one that was driving me wasn't around? I would definitely crash. I think we all come close to those moments. Acid City: What is your favourite song to perform and why? LIGHTS: It changes every single show I do. Some songs connect for that evening, and some songs don't, depending on my mood, the crowd, the atmosphere. A typical favorite is Last Thing on Your Mind though for me. It's easy to sing and flows so well. Acid City: Your fashion sense is definitely getting noticed, does any particular person inspire you to wear what you wear? LIGHTS: If Wonder Woman is considered a person and not some Amazonian Goddess spawn, then yes! My fashion icons are Wonder Woman, Barbarella, and the flower children of the 60's/70's! Acid City: How was your experience going on tour with big bands like Protest the Hero? LIGHTS: Concentrated learning, in every way! It was so much fun. Everyone was amazing and really took us in. Acid City: If you found out you were going on tour, what is the first thing youd have ordered? LIGHTS: Phil Collins mix tapes for our van. Acid City: Who is your dream band to share the stage with? LIGHTS: If I could have a dream, I'd go on tour with Abba! Acid City: Do you think Toronto has influenced your style of music? LIGHTS: Not really, I'm not influenced musically by my surroundings as much as I'm influenced by the stage of life I'm in at the time. Acid City: Has your music changed in any way since you started playing with a band? LIGHTS: I'm a little more aware of what parts need to be accentuated for live performances, but otherwise my music has been pretty consistent. Acid City: Favourite instrument to play? LIGHTS: Synth, synth, synth! Acid City: What was your reaction on having February Air featured as the song for the Old Navy campaign? LIGHTS: Initially I was a little skeptical, Old Navy wasn't really the look I was going for, but after I heard their plans for the campaign I really liked what they came up with. It was romantic and chic and very cool--something I was stoked to be part of. Acid City: Favourite Starbucks drink? LIGHTS: Awake tea with caramel flavor shot! Acid City: Polka dots or stripes? LIGHTS: If you connected three stripes to a polka dot all in one direction it might look a bit like a shooting star, and i'd wear that. Acid City: Best place to get a headband? LIGHTS: Shoelace rack Acid City: Most played band on your ipod? LIGHTS: TATU :D Acid City: What makes a great party? LIGHTS: Too many people crowded into a small room with stellar music and good air flow. Acid City: Favourite place to hang out? LIGHTS: My server in Warcraft... Acid City: What can we expect from LIGHTS in the future? LIGHTS: In the near future, I have a song on a Billie Holiday tribute album coming out, plus a cool vocal score I did for a neat, Canadian indie movie out this fall, plus lots of touring around North America. In the not-so-near-but-still-sort-of-near future I want to put out a graphic novel, maybe be in a sweet sci-fi flick, and find a mate for my pet spider Lance. Oh, and a full length album. Acid City: Why should the world listen to LIGHTS? LIGHTS: Because it's easy to do, and you might feel 12 again. Unless you are 12. Then you'll feel 11.

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