Thursday, July 31, 2008


Picture this: you're on the bus, on your way home from a tiring day at school. You sit back at your comfortable seat on the breezy bus, take a minute to close your eyes-- enjoying the peacefulness, I suppose, and at once, you open your eyes to the mass production of apples around you. I mean, they're everywhere. Apples, apples, and more freaking apples! You're too scared to look anywhere else, so you keep your eyes closed, but it seems like the apples have taken over your subconscious mind as well! Finally, you've reached your stop, and you jet off the bus, and run to the front steps of your home, to where a nice shiny silver Volvo is parked. You're thinking, "What the hell? Mom doesn't drive a silver Volvo.." So you reach for the door knob, and suddenly apples fall from the sky, and crush you to your death.

A little on the over-exaggerated side, but really, how scary would that be?

Personally, I love the Twilight series, and I can't wait to read more of it, this coming August when Breaking Dawn comes out. But I guess I would probably be one of those people behind those dreaded apple covers. But there are some of you, who right now, have no clue whatsoever what I'm rambling about. Well, first off, I know you're asking What in the world is Twilight? Well, Twilight is a fictional book created by the amazing author, Stephanie Meyer. It is based on a young girl named Isabella "Bella" Swan, who finds her life in danger, after falling in love with a Vampire, Edward Cullen. The book is a best seller around the globe, and awarded Publisher's Weekly Best Book of the Year. The book may be over 500 pages long, but it's filled with non-stop action, and suspense that you'd never be able to put it down. It's filled with teenage lust, and complicated problems, faced between the star-crossed lovers, which is more or less familiar to every teenager out there.

ot only is this book a big hit at the books stores, but by this coming December, it will make it as a big hit in the big screen as well! Critics have been saying that Twilight may even rank out the coming film Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. However, I, myself, love both the series, and every other sci-fi/fantasy story there is out there. But right now, I'm sucked into the hyped-up energy of Twilight, so Team Edward ftw! The movie comes out on December 12, 2008 playing in selected theaters near you. And another plus, Robert Pattinson, aka Cedric Diggory, is playing Edward, which I fancy a heck of a lot. But there seems to be quite the controversy coming from the fellow 'Twilighters' between whether or not he'll play a good Edward Cullen. "He doesn't seem good looking enough, Edward's supposed to be this perfect being," Fangirl #736497643 says. Well y'know what Fangirl #736497643? He's human, not a vampire, like how you picture it in your crazed universe! Nobody's perfect. On another note, I personally think that all the characters are perfect for the movie, and they play off Stephanie Meyer's characters spot on. But I guess we'll have to wait another 6 months before we really find out. 'Til then, here's the trailer to keep your heart racing.

Official Movie Website:

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