Thursday, July 31, 2008

One Star Story

Acid City
: How did you guys start out?
Geno - The band originally started back in '05 with Will and I under the name Exit Earth. Through the natural evolution of bands, members came and went. Bryant joined the band when the original bassist left the band, and then we picked up Vanessa in the Spring of '06 when our previous lead singer decided to leave the band to start a family.

Acid City: Who came up with the name One Star Story, and what does it mean to you?
A: Geno - The band decided to change the name of the band when Bryant joined the band because we felt that the old name longer applied to the style and feel of the band. So we brainstormed for about month on what to change it to, and one day I looked down at my shoes that I was wearing (Converse One Stars), and I though One Star... One Star Story? And it stuck. While thats the origin of the name, we like to interpret the meaning of our name as a quest to figure out what each and everyone one of us choose live and guide our life by. Whether thats money, love, faith, career or whatever... Its a journey through our music with our listeners to identify the "One Star" that guides our story. For all of us it is our faith.

Acid City: Do you feel that growing up in Missouri had an impact on the sound of your music?
A: Geno - Vanessa is originally from Maine, but Im sure I can speak for the rest of the band when I say no we dont feel it did have a direct impact. We are all big music fans, and especially of the Pop/Rock genre, so we are very much influenced by the top Pop artists of our time and the past. Bands like Jimmy Eat World, U2, The Beatles, Third Eye Blink, etc. are probably on top of our biggest influences right now.

Acid City: What is your favourite song you have composed so far?
A: Geno - We have actually been working on some new stuff, and we have written a new song titled "Give Chase" that I am stoked about right now, but it will probably be something else in 6 months. haha.
A: Vanessa - Say Anything was a really fun song to write to. Geno and I have been collaborating lately when it comes to lyrics, and Say Anything was specifically fun because of the scenario we decided to write about.
A: Bryant - On The Empty Room I really enjoyed working on Tears Behind a Smile. But like Geno said we have some new stuff in the works that I really enjoy. As we keep writing we get closer and closer to defining what OSS is all about.
A: Will - Probably for me it was Tears Behind A Smile. It was fun to see the idea that I had be shaped into what it is today by all the other members of OSS. Each one of us had some influence in that song.
A: Zack - So far, i would have to say "Tears Behind A Smile", every time i put on the EP thats the first song i listen to.

Acid City: How is it working with Transatlantic Records?
A: Will - Working with Transatlantic Records has been a good thing for us as a band. The label has allowed us to grow and push ourselves to the next level with our music and has been a huge help in getting that music to the listeners. With out the support of the label and the support of our fans, we wouldn't be where we are today.

Acid City: Dream location to play a show?
A: Geno - Hmm. Madison Square Gardens or a sell-out show in London, England.
A: Vanessa - The Civic Center in Portland, Maine. It's not anything special, but I saw my first real concert there when I was younger (I was raised in Maine), and would imagine being the one on stage. It would just be very surreal.
A: Bryant - The Sprint Center in KC just because its my home town and my dad always says we should play there, haha.
A: Will - I think some place like Madison Square Garden. You know you are doing something right when you are playing there. And plus, just think of the countless other amazing acts that have played there before. If we could be mentioned among the likes of Led Zepplin and JT.... that would be killer
A: Zack - I dont know.. a shows what you make it. so where ever there's people who want to see us. any kind of arena would be sweet though haha.

Acid City: Favourite band to share the stage with so far?
A: Geno - Toss up between Jonezetta and Vedera.
A: Vanessa - Waking Ashland. 2 years before we played with them, I bought their record and was so addicted. I saw them in concert a few months later, and was so psyched to see them live. Then we ended up playing with them a couple years later. Funny how those things happen.
A: Bryant - Jonezetta. They're an amazing band live.
A: Will - Hmm, I will have to go Jonezetta as well.
A: Zack - Jonezetta

Acid City: What is the most fun song to perform and why?
A: Geno - Probably "Love". Its soo high energy and everyone gets so into it I just like to go crazy.
A: Vanessa - Love... it's fun and kids get into it.
A: Bryant - I feel like I can move to "Love" the most live so that's probably it.
A: Will - feel like a dork going along with everyone else, but "Love" is my fav. Its just high energy.
A: Zack - "Love", its the last song in our set, so its kind of the crescendo, big bang, go nuts song.

Acid City: What was your reaction when you heard you were going to be in the magazine Alterntive Press?
A: Geno - We were stoked. It was something we had told Transatlantic we would be stoked to be promoted in, so to have it happen on this first album release was incredible.

Acid City: Do you ever feel pressure to act or be a certain image?
A: Vanessa - Because blending in irritates me, I've always made it a point to be different from what's going on around me. Keeping up with the latest trends doesn't exactly concern me; I wear what I think looks classy and works with my body type. I think that every girl has at least some level of a self-conscious nature, and I'm no exception.

Acid City: Dream band to share the stage with?
A: Geno - Jimmy Eat World... The are incredible.
A: Vanessa - Jimmy Eat World
A: Bryant - Jimmy Eat World
A: Will - Jimmy Eat World
A: Zack - Jimmy Eat World

Acid City: What feelings does your music emphasize?
A: Geno - Obviously we have songs expressing a wide variety of emotions, but I would say if you had to describe our "emotional style" it would be hope.

Acid City: Most played band on your ipod at the moment?
A: Geno - For me its been Jimmy Eat World's "Chase This Light" album.
A: Vanessa - Leeland
A: Bryant - Jimmy Eat World
A: Will - Motion City Soundtrack
A: Zack - Acceptance

Acid City: Hot spot to hang out? A: Geno - On tour its the closest Starbucks or Panera.

Acid City: If you had to choose 3 things to live with for the rest of your life what would they be?
A: Geno - My family, my drumkit, my laptop.
A: Vanessa - My family, my macbook, and green apples
A: Bryant - Loved ones, my accoustic, and my black and gray sweater vest
A: Will - 1. Loved ones 2. My camera 3. my iphone
A: Zack - My Guitar, an Aston Martin, and Megan Fox.

Acid City: Coffee or Tea?
A: Geno - Im sure I can speak for everyone in the band that we all prefer tea over coffee. Thanks to Vanessa and Will we always have a wide variety of tea to choose from when we are on the road.

Acid City: Bungie jumping or sky diving?
A: Geno - Skydiving, only because I have alread Bungied.
A: Vanessa - I have no desire to do either one.
A: Bryant - Haha, neither! I'm so scared of heights. Sky diving if I had to though. I trust a parachute more than a long rubber band!
A: Will - Neither please. No sense in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or off a bridge.
A: Zack - Bungie, i think i could trick myself into thinking there's more contact with the ground that way.

Acid City: Favourite author or book?
A: Geno - Will got me into Chuck Klosterman on our last tour.
A: Vanessa - Joseph Mercola
A: Bryant - Dan Brown. I really enjoyed his book Angels and Demons.
A: Will - I have been reading a lot of Chuck Klosterman lately.
A: Zack - House Of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski

Acid City: How would you describe your music to someone whos never heard of One Star Story?
A: Bryant - Catchy, sing-along, heart-felt vocals on top of rythmic, clap-your-hands, move-your-body music.

Acid City: What can we expect from One Star Story in the future?
A: Geno - We have plans to tour full time through the rest of the year, and we have tentative plans to go back into the studio this December to begin work on a full length album.

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