Saturday, April 25, 2009

7 Dollar Taxi Interview: Jessica

I promised I would be getting some international bands for you guys so i did. These guys are called 7 Dollar Taxi and supposedly their the next best thing from the UK since Franz Ferdinand. When I heard this of course i doubted that it could be true. However when I listened to their stuff I automatically wanted to get up, blast music and dance through my hall ways. Of course I saved myself the embarrassment and danced in my room instead...with the door shut of course;) I have attached their music video for a song called "Do the Robot". Play this song, and you'll do exactly that. 

1)) Where did the name 7 Dollar Taxi come from?
 Standard question, haha. Well, we have a funny story to tell but it's really an uncle of ours writing a whole booklet with band names and us picking this one particular.

2) When did you know you you wanted to be musicians professionally?
When we found out how fun it is not to stack shelves and type stupid things into a computer. We've always loved the idea to see new places and meeting new people everyday and then to go back to the studio to work on songs.

3) First song ever written together? Recorded together?
3) Can't remember the first song written but our first demo was a song called "no". A simple tune with a good no-brainer hook and it was about 3 minutes too long.

 4) How was the experience filming the Do the Robot music video?
Two great days with a lot of friends taking part, a lot of fun.

 5) Any ideas for a next music video?
Depends on what single is going to be released next, really. But we've always wanted to shoot a video with us while bungee jumping from a bridge. And simultaneously eating fondue.

6) What are your thoughts on the new tour coming up?
Well, hopefully there'll be a lot people coming down to the shows and we're really looking forward to getting to see some places weve never been before.

 7) What do you guys write about the most? Which audience do you want to grab?
We're trying to write about stuff that is different to the cliché "I was made for you/you were made for me"-crap, be it memories of a fun night or horror stories. We also make up a lot of things or extremely exaggerate.

8) Who is your most played artist on your mp3 at the moment?
I listened to the new Franz Ferdinand album about 6 times in the last 3 days. But during the last 7 days... maybe Fleetwood Mac, Supergrass or Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip.

9) What can fans expect from you guys in the future?
We might split up on 1st January 2010 and do a sold-out reunion tour from March 2010 to December 2011. But we havent made up our minds.

Think quick!

1) Stage diving or crowd surfing?
Never done either, to be honest, haha. there have been people stage-diving at our shows with a bad and painful outcome, though.

2) Best concert attended?
Hmmm, without a lot of thinking Id probably go with Ebony Bones in Berlin, May 2005. They performed in a small basement-like club and they just blew me away.

3) Favourite Sunday pastime?
Recovering from Saturday night which usually involves sleeping in late, scrumbled eggs for breakfast at 3pm and maybe a walk. Oh and we usually rehearse on Sundays.

4) Prep or punk? Punk I reckon.
5) Ocean or pool? Ocean.
6) M&m or skittles? M&Ms
7) Performing on stage is: the only sport we do.
8) Creating music is:something you can also do in a sober state.
9) 7 Dollar Taxi is:your best friends, in good and in bad times.


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