Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hird Album Review-Jamie

Genre: Nu-jazz, Trip-hop
Album: Moving On

Nu-jazz, a genre coined in the 1990’s, to refer to music that blends classic Jazz with other musical styles. Nu-jazz instrumentation ranges from the traditional to the experimental—the melodies are fresh, and the rhythms new and alive.

Nu-jazz musician, Hird, has this soft, mellow, harmonious tune to his music, that it can put anyone in this sort of calming, happy mood instantly. 21-year-old Christoffer Berg, has absolutely created wonders through his soulful sound.

Moving On, released in October 2004, is a definite must listen. The ambiance of the entire album is simply just mesmerizing—so incredibly relaxing, that it makes you feel as if you’re not in physically in this world anymore, but somewhere floating into a world of your own. Tracks such as “Getting Closer” and “Moving On” have this utmost unbelievable beauty to the soothing sounds. The dreamy keyboard lines and deep beats bring out so much more emphasis to the music. My personal favorite song on the album is “Keep You Kimi” (featuring the voices of Yukimi Nagano of Koop), a more upbeat song that is more of a nu-jazz / lite-house hybrid—it is purely magic to my ears. Never have I heard anything so relaxing, yet still sound so good!

Hird’s Moving On is most definitely a keen listen—a vibrant and uplifting album, but still chilled and tranquil at the same time.

Overall Rating: 4/5

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