Monday, April 20, 2009

Talent Over the Pond? : Jessica

Now im known in Toronto for going to show upon show upon show. Once in a while you find that different artist, that one that stands out. But lets be honest, Toronto's music scene has definitely had a downfall. Most of the bands are a dime a dozen if that and kinda well...annoying to watch. When in Europe I couldnt help but notice the VAST amount of talent in the music scene! After visiting pub upon pub I noticed that not only were all the artists different and extremely bold with their music, their style was remotely unique, wearing objects of clothing ive never seen worn before. While in Paris, I was once again shocked at the street musicians as as seen in the picture above. I found these men on a bridge performing all day...literally all day. And all day they had a huge crowd around know why? because they were GOOD. Street artists here hardly get that respect...well maybe if they had talent people would stop by and listen. These men had to be in their late 50's early 60's...and SOUNDED BETTER than tons of the young artists we have here in Canada. 

Their culture has so much character its kinda hard not to make good music...and if there are the bad musicians of europe..which im sure there are, I have yet to stumble upon them. So next time you visit Europe, take these tips:

1) go to a random acoustic pub in London and listen...really listen
2) go to a side street in Paris, have a crepe, sit down in the sun, and enjoy the beautiful jazz music

Acid City has a few UK bands coming up and im extremely excited to introduce them to North American crowds. Stay tuned! 

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